Breaking Glass Ceilings - Available Now

Breaking Glass Ceilings: Music by Unruly Woman is the first collaboration between violist Rose Wollman and pianist Dror Baitel. This is an album of music by women who broke glass ceilings and paved the way for those who came after her. The composers represented on this disc are Amy Beach, Rebecca Clarke, Florence Price, and Libby Larsen. Each was a trailblazer, and in her own way contributed to the the vibrant, diverse musical ecosystem we have today. The works on this album are gorgeous, and also represent the grit and determination it takes to make space for yourself in a world dominated by others. Rose and Dror are delighted to present these important works together in one collection.

Partita Party - coming soon

Partita Party is the brainchild of Atar Arad. It is a new collaborative composition for solo viola based on J.S. Bach's Partita No. 2 for Solo Violin. Atar asked four of his former students to join him in writing movements jointly inspired by Bach's masterpiece and Atar's Ciaccona, which he wrote for the 2021 Hindemith International Viola Competition. The other movements of Partita Party were written by Duncan Steele (Allemanda), Yuval Gotlibovich (Corrente),  Melia Watras (Sarabanda), and Rose Wollman (Giga), each using Atar's starting note and tone row and using  the structure of Bach's movements. This innovative new work was recorded by the composers at Indiana University in October 2023.

Miniatures vol. 1 - coming soon

Rose Wollman explores the world of short form in her first volume of viola miniatures. Intrigued by the emotion that can be conveyed by one instrument in a few minutes, Rose has amassed an eclectic collection of works for solo viola. They range from Baroque to modern, and are inspired by human experiences of all sorts. The unifying factor are that they are powerful works in a compact package. As Franklin D. Roosevelt said “Be sincere, Be brief, Be seated.”