Review of Breaking Glass Ceilings: Music by Unruly Women in The Strad - August 2024 - “A new label more than lives up to its provocative title”

“Wollman wittily realises the composer’s instruction to swing rhythms, bend some intervals and scoop up to a few notes, with Baitel a like-minded, proactive partner. This exciting debut leaves me impatient for SBOV’s next releases, of which two are already in the pipeline.”


Atar Arad, Duncan Steele, Yuval Gotlibovich, Melia Watras and Rose Wollman

Partita Party is the brainchild of Atar Arad. It is a new collaborative composition for solo viola based on J.S. Bach's Partita No. 2 for Solo Violin. Atar asked four of his former students to join him in writing movements jointly inspired by Bach's masterpiece and Atar's Ciaccona, which he wrote for the 2021 Hindemith International Viola Competition. The other movements of Partita Party were written by Duncan Steele (Allemanda), Yuval Gotlibovich (Corrente),  Melia Watras (Sarabanda), and Rose Wollman (Giga), each using Atar's starting note and tone row and using  the structure of Bach's movements. This innovative new work was recorded by the composers at Indiana University in October 2023.